Friday, October 31, 2008

Picture Power

This article is about visualization and imaging yourself what you want to be when you grow up and your future goals. Ever one knows how to visualization, it’s just another word for daydreaming. When you visualize you imagine what you might do or what you want to do some day. A Goal Collage is just different pictures on a paper that someday you imagine yourself of doing in your future. It also represents the things you wish for in the future. There not really different from the one that you make in grade school but it has more value because it helps you explore which path to take. You need visualize some goals you want to achieve before you get started on your collage. To make a good goal collage take your time and figure what you really want in life. When you make a collage it has a lot of commitment in what you want. You can ask yourself some questions to help you make your collage just to make it easily for you. After you make your collage you need to put it where you’ll see every day so it can remind you. When you make one it make you a lot better when you achieve one of your goals.


Unknown said...

Keep up the good work

NaTuRe BoY Blog said...

good job nice article i liked it alot